We have created and with pleasure we present you the multilevel immersive system of training, based on the most modern methods of the analysis of the market: technologies of Volume trading and our own authentic technology. Our new multidirected statistically- contextual concept will help the beginning traders to make easy start in the sphere of trading, and for the skilled bidder will open new opportunities of optimization of the trading process, will reduce the number of casual transactions, will help to feel in the market more surely and more comfortably and, finally, will provide stable professional growth
In our analytical products we synthesize the latest information and cumulative experience received during continuous process of improvement by possession of Technology of Volume Trading and our new multidirected statistically - contextual technology . We apply them to real situations in the market. We define priorities of actions (buy or sell), we build a grid of probabilistic passes of next week or any other time- frame, we reveal strategic and tactical levels, zones of comfortable transactions and potentially ideal entrances to the market. We keep the constant review of the market through a prism of market context in each time level , work with statistics on the trading volumes and researches of the professional ( big) traders activities. We provide these reviews through our proceeding publications, online webinars and new services. You can monitor our publications on our YouTube channel, and behind progress of our traders according to publications of transactions on Facebook.
The section contains interesting and necessary materials on our statistically - contextual technology , reports and reports on the events held with participation of our company, article and comments of the press. And also answers to the most widespread questions of traders and students.
It is very important to make a right choice for easy and effective start and not to get confused in all variety of the offered market research methods. This course is intended for the beginning traders or for traders with brief experience intuitively feeling that the statistics on volumes is a key to understanding of the market that the Volume analysis won't allow to slide off to you to the senseless and useless sphere of subjectivity and outdated indicators. Already at the initial level of studying of technology of Volume trade you receive the accurate and logical system of coordinates and mass of useful skills.
A course is conducted both in presentia, and in a remote form – in the form of online webinars on the basis of the hi-tech Adobe Connect platform. Record of a course within 2-3 weeks after completion of occupations will be available to all participants of a course.
Program of a course:
1 day: History of emergence of a tekhnolgiya of Volume trade. Basic principles of a concept.
The auction structure of the market displayed in a market profile
Concept of Cost
Bases of reading schedules of Market Profile
Fundamental differences of concepts of the old technical analysis and technology of Volume trade
2 day: The VOLFIX platform – the advanced part of information and analytical space.
Principles of giving of quotation: standard and the latest.
Advantages of volume quotation and rule of reading
Detailed acquaintance to tools and functions of the platform
How to pick up platform strukturizator according to the trader's tasks?
3 day: Principles of work with statistics on volumes.
A role of indicators of volumes in structure of analytical process
Basic principles of creation of a grid of probabilistic passes
Contextual understanding of statistical data on volume
Trekhtraymfreymovy structure in the analysis of the market